Bootstrapping in business means starting a business without external help or working capital. Entrepreneurs in the startup development phase of their company, survive through internal cash flow and are very cautious with their expenses.


Our Stance

Content creation and content delivery is not cheap. The odds are stacked against you from the beginning and the costs quickly scale as the user base does. Many have already doubted our right to exist because of the simple fact that it’s cost prohibitive to compete in the industry.

We believe in the concept of bootstrapping, but concede that there needs to be a balance between frugality and speed. Altair is currently being built on existing resources.

Funding would allow some of the team to transition out of their current jobs to work on Altair full-time, which is an inevitable future, but it would allow the timing to shift.

Any funding received from parties, such as angel investors, would only be accepted on the terms that they are treated like bonds (or loans) to be paid back with interest, not profit or equity instruments to be used assert undue influence.